Getting Our Attention

The Seashore, painted by Dabo

Getting Our Attention

I think He got our attention
for how long I cannot say
For we will start to build anew
and just go along our way.
Your might and power is awesome, Lord
for when we look at what is left
We are humbled at Your Majesty
and thankful, You hid us in the cleft.
What are You saying Lord, to us
what battle was fought here?
When we see the destruction of what was dear
our heart is filled with tears.
Is this how You feel, Lord
when we so heedlessly destroy?
That which You have entrusted to us
to love and to enjoy.
Please forgive us, Lord
for taking our eyes off of You
In this world, You are what matters
I'm so happy I have you!

(c) 2004 Karen Langford Brown

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Vose Arts and Crafts, Berwick, Maine