His Gift

His Gift

LORD JESUS, in honor of Your Birthday
I would like to say
That I Love You, and wish to honor
Thee, each and every day.
Lord I am reminded, of just how far
our world has strayed
When right is wrong, and wrong is right
as so many have displayed.
I repent, and am so burdened about
all that I do see...
Lord, in Your infinite mercy
You have allowed us to be free.
This freedom has been sacrificed
and mankind forsakes Your rules
That You set forth to guide them
so they would not be such fools.
They display just how far they've gone
and do it without a care
My heart is heavily burdened
as I see chaos ensue everywhere.
Lord, I don't know why they've forsaken You
when You are all we've got...
You stand between us, and complete destruction
oh, look at what man has wrought!
Lord, I ask You for forgiveness and
to help our erring ways
This world has become so crazy
it's just one gigantic maze.
Those that love and want to serve You
will always be provided a place
Where we can come and worship Thee
for we live simply by Your Grace.
So today on Your special day
I "Thank You" once again...
For coming and giving the gift of life
to one and all...Amen.

(c) 2012 Karen Langford Brown

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God
is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Romans 6:23

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Illustrations kindly coordinated by Allison Brown

Site constructed, illustrated and managed by Liz Vose
Vose Arts and Crafts, Sanford, Maine