In His Control

In His Control

I am blessed beyond measure
more than I ever can say
He leads me and guides me
every step of the way.
When I am downcast
in spirit and soul
He whispers sweet peace
and again makes me whole.

How can I ever repay
the wondrous gifts I receive
When simply by faith
all I do is believe.
His Promises are true
He has taught me as fact
And shown me how He
will always react.

With loving kindness and mercy
He shows me how much
He loves and supports me
with His Special Touch.
I go forth each day
renewed in body and soul
To live in the Kingdom
that He does control.

(c) 2010 Karen Langford Brown

"I have told you these things, so that in ME you
may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

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Illustrations kindly coordinated by Allison Rogers

Site constructed, illustrated and managed by Liz Vose
Vose Arts and Crafts, Sanford, Maine